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Browsing by Author "Savchenko, A."

Browsing by Author "Savchenko, A."

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  • Kuz‘mich, V.; Kuzmich, L.; Savchenko, A.; Кузьмич, В. І.; Кузьмич, Л. В.; Савченко, О. Г. (2021)
  • Brydun, V.; Savchenko, A.; Zarichnyi, M.; Савченко, О. Г. (2020)
    In idempotent mathematics, the idempotent measures (Maslov measures) are counterparts of the probability measures. We provide a fuzzy metrization of the set of idempotent measures on fuzzy metric spaces. We prove that this ...
  • Savchenko, A.; Zarichnyi, M.; Савченко, О. Г. (2009)
    Weintroduceafuzzyultrametriconthesetofprobabilitymeasureswithcompactsupport defined on a fuzzy metric space. The construction is a counterpart, in the realm of fuzzy ultrametricspaces,oftheconstructionduetoVinkandRutteno ...
  • Savchenko, A.; Vashpanova, N.; Vasylieva, N.; Савченко, О. Г. (2021)
    The paper treats pseudo-Riemannian spaces admitting generalized φ(Ric)-vector fields. We study conditions for the existence of such vectorfieldsinconformallyflat,equidistant,reducibleandKählerianpseudoRiemannianspaces. ...
  • Kiosak, V.; Savchenko, A.; Latysh, O.; Савченко, О. Г. (2021)
    Thepapertreatsgeodesicmappingsofquasi-Einsteinspaceswith gradient defining vector. Previously the authors defined three types of these spaces. In the present paper it is proved that there are no quasi-Einstein spaces of ...
  • Kiosak, V.; Savchenko, A.; Kamienieva, A.; Савченко, О. Г. (2020)
    In this paper we study a special type of pseudo-Riemannian spaces quasi-Einstein spaces of constant scalar curvature. These spaces are generalizations of known Einstein spaces. We obtained a linear form of the basic equations ...
  • Kiosak, V.; Savchenko, A.; Shevchenko, T.; Савченко, О. Г. (2018)
    The paper treats diffeomorphisms of special Kählerian manifolds,which preserve analytical planar curves. The research is conducted locally, in tensor shape, without limitations on the sign of metric. The problem is proved ...
  • Lozinska, O.; Savchenko, A.; Zarichnyi, M.; Савченко, О. Г. (2014)
    We prove that the "sliced" hyperspaces and spaces of probability measures of the rooted R-trees are also rooted R-trees.
  • Savchenko, A.; Zarichnyi, M.; Савченко, О. Г. (2010)
    We consider ultrametrizations of free topological groups of ultrametric spaces. A construction is defined that determines a functor in the category UMET1 of ultrametric spaces of diameter ≤ 1 and nonexpanding maps. This ...
  • Savchenko, A.; Савченко, О. Г. (2009)
    We consider functors in the category of non-Archimedean uniform spaces and uniformly continuous maps generated by some normal functors in the category of compact Hausdor spaces. We also show that any natural transformation ...
  • Kiosak, V.; Savchenko, A.; Gudyreva, E.; Савченко, О. Г. (2019)
    We have studied the conformal mappings of special quasi-Einstein spaces. When pseudo-Riemannian space Vn permits concircular mapping onto the quasi-Einstein space of the first type, then this space is an Einstein space. ...
  • Zarichnyi, M.; Savchenko, A.; Kiosak, V.; Савченко, О. Г. (2019)
    We endow the set of persistence diagrams with the strong topology (the topology of countable direct limit of increasing sequence of bounded subsets considered in the bottleneck distance). The topology of the obtained space ...
  • Савченко, О. Г.; Savchenko, A. (2011)
    Клас K-ультраметричних просторiв є узагальненням класу ультраметричних просторiв. У статтi розглянуто функтори у категорiї (рiвномiрно) K-ультраметричних просторiв та K-нерозтягуючих вiдображень. Зокрема, показано, що ...