The article deals with some sentences with homogenous inhomogenuities as units of expressional syntax. The undertaken study reveals two types of sentences: 1) sentences with homogeneous parts as members of different theme lines having, nevertheless, common features; 2) sentences with homogeneous parts as members of different theme lines having no common features. Such constructions are used to create humorous effects, to describe and to define a character, to disclose social and political events and ways of life. They are also used in landscape sketches.
Гладкова, Р. Я. Однородные неоднородности в описательных фрагментах призведений К. Г. Паустовского / Р. Я. Гладкова // Русистика и современность : матер. ХІХ Междунар. научн. конф. : сб. научн. статей : в 2-х т. - Астана : ЕНУ им. Л. Н. Гумилева, 2016. – Т. 2. – С. 262-265.