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dc.contributor.author Цибуленко, Г. В.
dc.contributor.author Tsibulenko, G. V.
dc.date.accessioned 2017-12-05T08:21:48Z
dc.date.available 2017-12-05T08:21:48Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.uri http://eKhSUIR.kspu.edu/handle/123456789/5005
dc.description Цибуленко, Г. В. Нові елементи культурного простору селянства Херсонщини в умовах окупаційного режиму 1941–1944 рр. / Г. В. Цибуленко // Культурологічний вісник : науково-теоретичний щорічник Нижньої Наддніпрянщини. – Запоріжжя, 2015. – Вип. 34. – С. 45-51. uk_UA
dc.description.sponsorship The article reveals the process of becoming a new cultural space in a Ukrainian village under German occupation, 1941-1944 years of Kherson. We have outlined the main tasks: to show how the occupation authorities formed the new conditions of cultural development, to reveal the working methods of lower administrative branches in this direction and to show the public perception. Agitation and propaganda became the first direction of the new government’s work. All cultural and educational institutions were involved to intensify agitation. On its basis, it was planned to create permanent stands with posters, and regular performances and concerts.It was planned, that public libraries would be built in the future. Therefore, a lot of measures had been done, to reserve the educational and fiction literature out of schools. In order to enhance the impact of written word, soviet propaganda literature was actively confiscated by occupiers, and new literature was implemented. Such works as: “At GPU’s cellars”, “The new way”, “What we’ve seen in Germany”, “What will be further” had to be learned during the weekend in especially reserved hours.All the negative aspects of the Soviet regime were shown in newspapers.Episodes of repression, cruelty and injustice of collective farms supported by stories about what would happen to the population in case of return of the bolsheviks. In the context of intimidation sounded the idea of "messianic" role of the liberator of the German army. Headmen of village council, heads of households and teachers had to the explanation work. The key idea of this campaign was to understand "the obligation of the Ukrainian people in front of the Great Germany" and its "heroic warriors, to protect the population."Hard work was defined by occupation authorities as the main duty. At the same time, clichés with national stimuli and determining the status of Ukrainians as allies were actively used. Such activities had to generate the belief of complicity to the great mission of destroying bolshevism and creating a new life among the population. Ukrainianization became the most important area of agitation and propaganda activities. Primarily, it could been seen at the lower authority branches, where only Ukrainian language could be used. External national attributes were actively used: in the titles the word "Ukraine" was used, trident was used in stamps. The propaganda at the issue of spiritual ukrainization was held as well. The church was Ukrainized. The main areas of outreach activities in this direction were aspects that characterize its past and reality.The problem of the negative impact on the morale of Soviet regime’s anti-religious policy was actively discussed. The governance demanded to hold sermons at Ukrainian communities' churches and at churches of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Church only in Ukrainian. A similar situation existed in schools, where ukrainization was actively held. The governance declared the main task - "Avoid the Russian language, learn Ukrainian." Large blocks of local history material were implemented to form a new historical memory. At the same time, sketches from the Ukrainian history were published in the periodical press. uk_UA
dc.subject the occupation regime uk_UA
dc.subject agitation uk_UA
dc.subject propaganda uk_UA
dc.subject ukrainization uk_UA
dc.subject terror uk_UA
dc.title.alternative New elements of the cultural space of the peasantry of Kherson in the occupation regime of 1941-1944 years uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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