IL-2 is a cytokine that affects to immune and nervous systems of animals. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of IL-2 at the behavior of animals during the physical stress. The behavior was evaluated in the "open field" test by the following indicators: the motor activity and the research response; the emotional reactivity and the expression of fear. Throughout the experiment, there was a difference in behavioral indicators depending on the inhibition and the stimulation of IL-2 at different concentrations (5000 U/kg, 7500 U/kg and 30000 U/kg respectively), that administered to the experimental animals. Dose-dependent and adaptive changes in animal behavior during the physical activity were identified.
Швець, В. А. Вплив інтерлейкіну-2 на поведінкову активність у тесті "відкрите поле" при фізичному навантаженні / В. А. Швець, Н. А. Дьяченко // VІ Міжнародна заочна науково-практична конференція «Актуальні питання біологічної науки»: Збірник статей. – Ніжин : НДУ ім. Миколи Гоголя, 2020. – С. 117-120.