The article considers the influence of sensory (visual and auditory) deprivation on a sensorimotor response, memory, and attention among 8–11 years old children. The literature review concludes that sensory deprivation causes discomfort and problems in perceiving of reality. Also, under the influence of various factors that damage body structures, compensatory reactions are launched to compensate for impaired functions. The processes that provide the body with the restoration of lost structures and impaired functions of the pathology are called «compensatory-adaptive processes». Having conducted statistical analysis of the obtained data of latent periods of different sensomotor responses among children with sensory deprivation and the control group, it is seen, that the level of stimuli in the form of figures was higher among children with hearing impairments, and in the form of sounds – in the group of children with visual impairments. According to the results of our study, we can assume that in groups of children with sensory deprivation the process of compensating the impaired function of a particular analyzer takes place at the expense of another one.
Oleksandr Spryn, Yulia Zagaykan, Nikolay Zagaykan. RESEARCH OF SENSOMOTOR REACTION, MEMORY AND ATTENTION INDICIES UNDER SENSORY DEPRIVATION // EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2019. – №5. – С. 3-12.