У статті розкривається процес організації на території Херсонщини в
умовах окупації 1941–1942 рр. аграрного виробництва в колективних
господарствах. Досліджується механізми подолання кризи виробництва та
запровадження норм організації управлінських, людських та технічних ресурсів
громадських та державних господарств.
В статье раскрывается процесс организации на территории Херсонщины в условиях оккупации 1941–1942 гг. аграрного производства в коллективных хозяйствах. Исследуется механизм преодоления кризиса производства и внедрение норм организации управленческих, людских и технических ресурсов общественных и государственных хозяйств.
The article reveals the organization of the agricultural production in the
collective farms under the occupation of 1941–1942 on the territory of Kherson
region. It was determined that the occupying authority began the active organization
of the agricultural sector of the economy of Kherson from its first days. The initial
actions were directed on the stopping of public property robbery and especially the
seed fund. Later the authority conducted the organization of the public and state
farms on the basis of former collective and state ones. The new leaders were
nominated and the primary tasks in the organization of future duties were chosen.
At the same time, the large-scale work on the organization of manpower was
held, the material, punitive and stimulate principles were identified. The registration
of technology, powerful working cattle and grain availability were carried out under
the conditions of the total disorganization of management and the loss of a generous
amount of resources. The seed rigorous monitoring system about its movement was
Such active preventive measures allowed the occupation authorities to ensure
the harvest of 1941 and to create reserves (seeding and insurance funds) for the
organization of winter crops sowing in autumn 1941 and spring crops sowing the
spring of 1942.