У статті розглядаються теоретичні аспекти дисципліни «Літературна компаративістика» та узагальнюється досвід її викладання на факультеті філології та журналістики Херсонського державного університету. Зокрема подаються основні завдання курсу, вимоги до знань і вмінь студентів; перераховуються теми, визначені авторською навчальною програмою; аналізуються методи організації і здійснення навчально-пізнавальної діяльності майбутніх філологів. У матеріалі також представлено форми оцінки навчальних досягнень студентів із дисципліни.
The article deals with theoretical aspects of “Literary Comparativistics” and experience of teaching this course at the Department of Philology and Journalism in Kherson State University. It is noted that this course together with Theory and History of Literature took the prominent place in foreign universities since the late 20th century. In Ukraine due to ideological prohibitions “Comparative Literary Study” appeared among the university subjects after gaining independence and now it is studied in most of educational establishments which prepare philologists. This discipline is addressed to students whose field of study is 6.020303 Philology* and aimed to develop future specialists’ understanding of the world literary process as system of national literatures, which universal significance is measured with their artistic and historical identity.
The article contains basic tasks of the course, requirements for knowledge and skills of students and themes, defined by the author's curriculum. It analyses the methods of the organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activity of students and methods of motivation used in classes, including innovative ones (computer support, implementation of such interactive learning technologies as: work in the small groups, brainstorming, discussing controversial issues, etc.). The article also presents the evaluative forms of students’ educational achievements of the discipline.
It’s stressed in the closing notes that course “Literary Comparativistics” plays an important role in general literary preparation of modern teacher of philology, and its teaching requires the integrated use of traditional and innovative forms of work.