У статті розкрито сутність міжпредметних зв’язків та розглянуто можливості їх реалізації у процесі формування екологічної компетентності учнів основної школи під час вивчення фізики. udents of clever and responsible attitude toward a natural environment. The ecologization of education is normatively envisaged by National strategy of development of education in Ukraine on a period 2021 to, by Conception of ecological formation of Ukraine, State standard of base and complete universal middle education and Criteria of evaluation of educational achievements of students. In the context of their requirements an educational-educator process must be sent to forming of компетентностей students, one of that ecological.
A considerable place in ecological education of students is occupied by natural sciences: physics, chemistry, biology, geography. A leading place among the marked educational objects occupies a physicist. The important constituent of organization of the educational process from physics, oriented to forming of ecological competence, is a reflection of marketability of intersubject connections of physics with the articles of natural cycle.
In pedagogical literature intersubject copulas classify on different signs. Most widespread in methodologies of studies are classifications: after composition, after direction, after an orientation.
The ways of adjusting of intersubject connections in forming of ecological competence during the study of physics at basic school are organically related to their functions: educational, developing, educator,, integrating, cognitive, monitoring, psychological, didactics, structural.
Use of intersubject connections in the process of ecological education of students - one of the most difficult methodical tasks of teacher of physics. It requires knowledge of maintenance of the programs and textbooks from other objects (biology, geography, chemistry, natural history, bases of health and others like that), methods, forms and facilities of their studies.
Куриленко, Н. В. Реалізація міжпредметних зв’язків у процесі формування екологічної компетентності учнів основної школи під час вивчення фізики / Н. В. Куриленко, В. Д. Шарко // Вісник Чернігівського національного педагогічного ун-ту. Серія : Педагогічні науки / гол. ред. М. О. Носко / Національний педагогічний університет імені Т. Г. Шевченка. – Чернігів : ЧНПУ, 2016. - Вип. 138. – С. 185–190.