У даній статті розглядається сутність методики «Філософія для дітей», схарактеризовано
«Філософію для дітей» як парадигму рефлексивної освіти, визначено її методологічні принципи.
Доведено актуальність педагогічних ідей В. Сухомлинського в аспекті формування критичного
та креативного мислення в учнів початкової школи. В данной статье рассматривается сущность методики «Философия для детей», дана
характеристика «Философии для детей» как парадигме рефлексивного образования, определены
ее методологические принципы.
Доказана актуальность педагогических идей В. Сухомлинского в аспекте формирования
критического и креативного мышления у учащихся начальной школы. The main task of the modern educational process is to prepare the young generation for the
challenges of modernity, to consciously and responsibly participate in a democratic system that
encourages the citizen to make independent decisions, be capable of self-projecting and self-realization.
Such transformations actualize the importance of the philosophical component in the education and
upbringing of the youth and make it necessary to introduce the methodology "Philosophy for Children"
into the content of school education, which is aimed at the formation of critical, creative thinking in the
younger generation.
In this article, the Philosophy for Children is described as a paradigm of reflective education, its
methodological principles are defined, namely: teaching philosophizing, not philosophy; Problematic
submission of philosophical knowledge; Transformation of the collective (group, class) into a "union of
researchers" and organization of conversation on the principle of Socratic dialogue; Life material is used
as a material.
It is proved that the pedagogical legacy of the classical teacher V. Sukhomlinsky keeps many
recommendations on the development of critical, creative thinking and correct judgments in the children
of preschool and primary school age, the education of morality, personal responsibility, internal freedom.
All the designs of Vasily Alexandrovich remain relevant in today's hours, so the task is to further study the pedagogical ideas of the scientist in the context of "Philosophy for Children" and the introduction of the results into the program of the modern Ukrainian school.