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dc.contributor.author Загайкан, Ю. В.
dc.contributor.author Спринь, О. Б.
dc.contributor.author Спринь, А. Б.
dc.contributor.author Zagaykan, J. V.
dc.contributor.author Sprin, A. B.
dc.date.accessioned 2017-12-16T16:46:21Z
dc.date.available 2017-12-16T16:46:21Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.uri http://ekhsuir.kspu.edu/handle/123456789/5270
dc.description Спринь, О. Б. ОСОБЛИВОСТІ СЕНСОМОТОРНОГО РЕАГУВАННЯ ТА ПОКАЗНИКІВ ПАМ'ЯТІ В УМОВАХ СЛУХОВОЇ ДЕПРИВАЦІЇ / Ю. В Загайкан, О. Б. Спринь // Український журнал медицини, біології та спорту. Біологічні науки. - 2017. - № 4 (6).- С. 166-170. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Статтю присвячено проблемі впливу сенсорної депривації на психофізіологічний стан дітей. Оскільки не має цілісної картини особливостей фізичного і психічного стану дітей з проблемами слуху, метою дослідження стало вивчення особливостей сенсомоторного реагування та показників пам’яті у дітей з порушеннями слуху. Актуальність роботи полягає в необхідності отримання та аналізу нових наукових даних про специфічність впливу слухової депривації на розвиток властивостей основних нервових процесів. Статья посвящена проблеме влияния сенсорной депривации на психофизиологическое состояние детей. Поскольку не существует целостной картины особенностей физического и психического состояния детей с проблемами слуха, целью исследования стало изучение особенностей сенсомоторно- го реагирования и показателей памяти у детей с нарушениями слуха. Актуальность работы заключается в необходимости получения и анализа новых научных данных о специфичности влияния слуховой депривации на развитие свойств основных нервных процессов. The article deals with sensory deprivation influence on the psychophysiological state of a child. All over the world millions of people of all ages, especially children, suffer from problems associated with loss of vision or hearing. In a case of one or more analyzers disorder, limited information flow creates special conditions for the child's psyche development. The study concerning characteristics of human sensorimotor functions is important for understanding the physiological mechanisms of the integrative activity of the brain, which has a complex dynamic organization of its various structures and it develops an individual type of behavior. Sensorimotor reactions reflect integration between neurophysiological and mental processes. They show interaction between sensory and motor components in the process of human mental activity. Sensory and kinesthetic information coming from analyzers launches the regulation, control and correction for ail types of psychomotor system. It establishes the cognitive functions in the process of children’s individual development. Coordination of the sensory and motor components in movement has expedient and adaptive characteristics. At the same time, it is the most important condition for optimal interaction and functioning for analyzers of the brain, which form the adequate images of the surrounding world. Well-known principles of I. Sechenov and I. Pavlov formed the pathophysiological substantiation for the hearing impairment influence on the neuropsychic state of a child. The scientists pointed out that the functional state of the central nervous system depends on the afferentation flow level. The activity of the central nervous system is supported by associative stimuli and it depends on the number of irritants and their irradiation. Primarily, it is a continuous correlation of the information coming from the outside world, its own programs of motor activities, congenital or acquired in the learning process, as well as the available information stored in the child's memory as "past experience". In recent decades, the researches have actively studied the impact of sensory deprivation on the psycho- physiological state of children, but we still cannot create a coherent picture of the physical and mental characteristics for hearing-impaired child. Therefore, the actuality of the research lies in obtaining and evaluating new scientific data on the specificity of the sensory deprivation influence on the development of the main nervous processes properties. The analysis showed that most of the data on the problem of studying the psychophysiological parameters, as well as the properties of the main nervous processes in children with sensory deprivation, had not been studied sufficiently, it’s controversial and does not indicate the deprivation influence on the functional state of a child. Nowadays there are scientific works on psychology devoted to the research of intellectual activity. Nevertheless, the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the higher human nervous activity in the conditions of deprivation are not sufficiently disclosed. Today we have begun studying psychophysiological functions of pupils with sensory deprivation. In the course of the study, we made a conclusion that children with sensory deprivation got worse results in sensory- motor response to acoustic and visual stimuli. Conducting an experiment, we apprehended that hearing- impaired children have significant verbal memory impairment, but the image memory develops at the proper level. With age tbe accuracy of cognition and reproduction of objects increases. uk_UA
dc.subject сенсорна депривація uk_UA
dc.subject нейродинамічні функції, uk_UA
dc.subject аналізатор uk_UA
dc.subject іррадіація uk_UA
dc.subject сенсомоторне реагування uk_UA
dc.subject центральна нервова система uk_UA
dc.subject гальмівні подразники uk_UA
dc.subject сила нервових процесів uk_UA
dc.subject експозиція uk_UA
dc.subject сенсорная депривация uk_UA
dc.subject нейродинамические функции uk_UA
dc.subject анализатор uk_UA
dc.subject иррадиация uk_UA
dc.subject сенсомоторное реагирование uk_UA
dc.subject тормозные раздражители uk_UA
dc.subject сила нервных процессов uk_UA
dc.subject экспозиция uk_UA
dc.subject sensory deprivation uk_UA
dc.subject neural functions uk_UA
dc.subject analyzer uk_UA
dc.subject irradiation uk_UA
dc.subject sensory-motor response uk_UA
dc.subject central nervous system uk_UA
dc.subject brake stimulus uk_UA
dc.subject strength of nervous processes uk_UA
dc.subject exposition uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Characteristics of Sensory and Memory Response in Conditions of Auditory Deprivation uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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