Стаття присвячена дослідженню активності ферментів амінотрансфераз в крові
дівчат 18-21 років в умовах використання різних видів фітнесу. Встановлено, що
активність ферментів підвищується після навантаження в обох групах. В цілому
підвищення активності АЛТ і АСТ в крові розцінюється як прояв патології, але ми
вважаємо підвищення активності АЛТ і АСТ в крові може бути відображенням
підвищення функції печінки і серця при фізичній активності. Активність АСТ достовірно
вище після виконання навантаження в обох групах, що може вказувати на інтенсифікацію
роботи циклу трикарбонових кислот. It was determined that the activity of the enzyme ALT in the blood of girls in the control group under the conditions of dance fitness at the beginning of the study increased after the load, the same tendency was observed after 3 months of training with all the mean values of the activity of the enzyme were within the normative values, but on During the third month of exercise after
exercise, the ALT activity approached the upper limit of the norm. A decrease in the activity of
ALT after 3 months of exercise prior to the load is established, which may indicate a lack of
adaptive capacity of the body of the girls in the control group. In the main group, we observed an
increase in the activity of this enzyme in the blood, both at the beginning of the study and after
three months of training. Moreover, in contrast to the control group in the main, a sharp increase
in the activity of the enzyme after 3 months of training is observed, than at the beginning of the
study to the load. We observe the same dynamics in the activity of AST in the blood of girls.
Particular attention should be paid to the activity of the enzyme in the control group after the load,
both at the beginning and during the three months, where the activity of the corresponding enzyme
in the blood was higher than the normative values, which indicates our view of inadequate loads
and requires further investigation of this contingent, as for diseases of the cardiovascular system.
In general, an increase in the activity of ALT and AST in the blood is considered a manifestation
of the pathology, but we believe that an increase in the activity of ALT and AST in the blood can
be a reflection of an increase in the function of the liver and heart during physical activity. ACT
activity is reliably higher after loading in both groups, which may indicate an intensification of the
tricarboxylic acid cycle.
The activity of the enzyme GGT in the blood in the control group after the load increases
both at the beginning and at the end of the study, although it is within the normal range. After
three months of training, the activity of the corresponding enzyme is somewhat reduced from the
initial values, especially it is noticeable to the load. The activation of gamma-glutamyltransferasa
in these conditions may impair the glutathione redox cycle in renal tissues. In the main group, we observe a sharp decrease in the corresponding enzyme at the end of the study, both before and after the load. What says in our opinion about adaptation and the adequacy of these loads.
Головченко, І. В. ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ЗМІН ФЕРМЕНТІВ АМІНОТРАНСФЕРАЗ В КРОВІ ЖІНОК 18-21 РОКІВ В УМОВАХ ВИКОРИСТАННЯ РІЗНИХ ВИДІВ ФІТНЕСУ / І. В. Головченко, А. І. Боднар, І. О. Чабан, О. В. Міненко // Вісник Чернігівського нац. пед. ун-ту ім. Т. Г. Шевченка. Сер. : Педагогічні науки. Фізичне виховання та спорт. - 2017. - № 147 (1). – С 79-85.