У статті проведено аналіз переваг та особливостей застосування альтернативних джерел енергії у закладах готельно-ресторанного господарства. Охарактеризовано перспективи розвитку відновлювальних джерел енергії в Україні до 2020 року. Досліджено особливості використання основних видів відновлювальних джерел енергії в закладах гостинності. Запропоновано новий спосіб узгодження енергетичних установок відновлюваної енергетики зі споживачем та розроблено відповідну схему. The aim of the research is investigation of efficiency use of alternative energy sources in hotel-restaurant business facilities. Advantages and application features of alternative energy sources in hotel-restaurant business facilities are investigated in the article. Analyzed that the need in energy resources the state provides only 25%, importing 75% natural gas and 85% oil and petroleum products. Was established that thorough scientific developments of energy efficiency in all sectors of industry are massing. Characterized prospects of renewable energy sources in Ukraine until 2020. Features of use main types of renewable energy sources in the hospitality establishments are investigated. Using solar collectors makes it possible to reduce the cost of heating water in hospitality facilities by 60% and rooms heating by 30% per year. The features of harmonization renewable energy power plants with the consumer are analyzed. Offered a new method of concordance power systems of renewable energetic with a consumer and developed appropriate scheme that consist of such elements: renewable energy sources, energy converter; the consumer, storage device, regulator and devices of automatics. Such system combines the advantages of energy storage schemes and schemes with adjustment load. Consequently, in the article investigated the using of alternative energy sources in hotel-restaurant business facilities which improves their energy efficiency.