В статті висвітлені основні питання стратегії розвитку та функціонування підприємств регіональної газотранспортної системи. Опрацьовано підходи до визначення поняття «розвиток підприємства». Визначені стратегічні напрямки, які слід розглянути при формуванні стратегії розвитку газотранспортного підприємства, а також позначено істотний вплив факторів зовнішнього середовища на діяльність підприємств. В статье освещены основные вопросы стратегии развития и функционирования предприятий региональной газотранспортной системы. Обобщено подходы к определению понятия «развитие предприятия». Определены стратегические направления, которые следует рассматривать при формировании стратегии развития газотранспортного предприятия, а также обозначено существенное влияние факторов внешней среды на деятельность предприятий. The article is devoted to the main issues of the strategy of development and operation of enterprises of the regional gas transportation system. Generalized approach to the definition of «enterprise development». A systematic study of the development of gas transportation companies in the real economic environment was conducted. Issues of the activity of enterprises of the gas transportation system and directions of development of the strategy of their development are considered. It has been shown that for the enterprises of the gas transportation system, the development strategy should include an analysis of the performance of the management of the gas transport enterprises, the formation of an effective system of motivation and control by the owners of the enterprises and the state, as well as an orientation towards ensuring the country's energy security and increasing its national competitiveness in general. The analysis of the main indicators of development of the investigated enterprise has been made, which has made it possible to determine the characteristic features of the enterprise development in recent years and the factors influencing the processes of development of gas transport enterprises. The division of factors influencing the processes of development of gas transportation companies into groups of direct action is proposed; «systemic» factors that arose as a result of the formation of specific relationships between business partners and investment factors, which not only affect the investment climate, but also depend on it. The strategic directions, which should be considered when forming the strategy of development of the gas transportation company, are determined, and the significant influence of environmental factors on the activity of enterprises is outlined. It is noted that the outcome of the proposed regional strategy should be the transformation of the energy sector in the region with a sector which raises many questions that need constant public support for a modern, efficient, competitive sector of the national economy that is able to effectively develop the prospect in terms of regional integration and reintegration and competition in the Eurasian and international energy markets.
Мохненко, А. С. СТРАТЕГІЯ РОЗВИТКУ РЕГІОНАЛЬНОГО ГАЗОТРАНСПОРТНОГО ПІДПРИЄМСТВА / А. С. Мохненко, К. В. Мельникова, О. М. Федорчук // Науковий вісник Херсонського держ. ун-ту. Сер. : Економічні науки. – Херсон, 2018. – № 32. – С. 91-94.