В работе рассматривается экспериментально разработанный способ определения ростовых качеств семян лука при помощи метода фитотестирования. В нем по значениям коэффициентов нормальности распределения асимметрии As и эксцесса Ех проростков семян делают вывод о ростовых качествах последних.
Abstract. The uniformity of seeds is one of the most important indicators of their quality. It means degree of uniformity of seeds by the sizes or other signs. At storage at onions seeds the genetic instability very quickly increases. It is the cause of heterogeneity of seeds on growth properties. Such phenomenon significantly influences results of researches on assessment of influence of the external environment by Allium test method. Research objective was development of an easy way of determination of uniformity of seeds on growth properties. Seeds of onions were couched in cups Petri. Distributions have constructed on length of sprouts. Values of coefficients of normality of distribution of asymmetry As and excess Eх have defined further. They were compared to tabular values. The conclusion has been drawn on normality of distributions of the stratified and not stratified seeds. The stratified seeds had the high level of normality. The conclusion has been drawn on high degree of uniformity of their growth properties.
Сидорович, М. М. Определение выравненности ростовых качеств семян лука по биометрическим показателям проростков / М. М. Сидорович,О. П. Кундельчук // Modern Scientific Researches. - 2018. - Вип. 3, ч. 4. - С. 103 – 107.