The article reveals the problem of creating and improving e- textbooks on the example of development of electronic textbook for physics study at technical universities. The disadvantages of e-textbooks based on standard platforms and templates are considered. The problems of using Web technologies for the improvement of such textbooks are discussed. There are numerous platforms and templates for creating electronic textbooks. However, our analysis and experience with such resources showed their inconvenience and inadequacy for the needs of the engineering specialties education because corresponding texts have a large volume, complex structure, contain multilevel cross-content focused both on understanding the fundamental laws and their technical and technological application during engineering activities. Therefore, students find it difficult to navigate in a large amount of material, many equa- tions, massive evidence base, and large graphic material. The presented e-book configuration is created by JavaScript direct pro- gramming. The e-book significantly expands the visibility of the material (color accented graphics, videos, animation, etc.), improves usability (thoughtful intui- tive navigation, one-click equations, tips, etc.) using the capabilities of comput- er technology. It contains a variety of original demo animation, videos, and col- or drawings worked out to the smallest detail. Many convenient hyperlinks are available at the click (pop-up equations, tips, help and additional information). The e-book also optimizes the student’s independent work (examples of de- tailed step-by-step solution of problems, questions for self-testing with hidden answers, etc.). The e-book is offered to students of all technical specialties and all forms of university education. The application of this e-book involves ac- quiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in physics.
Kurylenko, N. Development of an Electronic Multimedia Interactive Textbook for Physics Study at Technical Universities / N. Kurylenko, A. Bovtruk, І. Slipukhina, S. Mieniailov, P. Chernega, N.Kurylenko // ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications. Proc. 16 th Int. Conf. ICTERI 2020. Volume I: Main Conference. Kharkiv, Ukraine, October 06-10, 2020. Р. 159-172 (Scopus), CEURWS.org, online, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2740/