Узагальнюючи досвід вітчизняних науковців та аналізуючи основні положення «авторських» методик із постановки голосу, автор пропонує задля модернізації навчально-виховного процесу ВНЗ впроваджувати інноваційні аспекти вокально-методичної підготовки майбутнього педагога-музиканта. Актуалізована проблема застосування системного підходу у фаховій освіті, завдяки чому взаємодія музично-вокального і методичного компонентів підготовки студентів спрямована на здобуття ними знань та практичного досвіду співацької та викладацької діяльності.
The reforming of contemporary music education aims to update the content and to implement the innovative technologies of organizing the teaching process, to reach the higher level of professional competence of a future teacher-musician, to perfect his or her methodical experience and to form the vocal-methodical culture. The interaction of music-vocal and methodic components of the process of training of future professionals of musical-pedagogical specialty aims at obtaining by students the knowledge and practical experience of the singing and teaching activities. The success of vocal and methodical training of a future teacher-musician depends on the harmonious alignment of vocal and theoretical knowledge with pedagogical
experience in the context of development of his or her vocal, technical and performing skills and abilities. The developing of certain vocal and methodical abilities and skills to impart their knowledge and experience to students enhances professional mastery of a teacher-musician, which is being formed in the following pedagogical conditions: possession of the basics of vocal pedagogy; strengthening of ideological, methodological and general scientific training; ability to analyze the innovative experience of teacher-vocalists, which helps to distinguish effective forms and methods of educational and upbringing activities; sufficient level of personal vocal culture and professional competence. The search of the ways to modernize the vocal and methodical training depends on the considering of multicomponent structure of vocal-methodical activities of a teacher-musician in the content of the teaching process; realization of a systematic approach in vocational training; implementation of highly artistic, multi-style and multi-genre repertoire according to the chosen manner of singing; the use of educational material for in-depth analysis of a vocal piece, for its better understanding and of performer’s interpretation; the study and implementation of achievements of the national and foreign artistic education relating to the quality of training of future teachers musicians for vocal-methodical work.
Гунько, Н. О. Інноваційні аспекти вокально-методичної підготовки майбутнього педагога-музиканта / Н. О. Гунько // Наукові записки. Серія : Педагогічні науки. – Кропивницький : РВВ КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2017. - Вип. 155. - С. 51-55.