У статті в когнітивно-семіотичному і наративному ключі описано принципи моделювання міфолорного простору різножанрових амеріндіанських художніх прозових текстів. Доведено, що характер вписаності міфолорного простору в семантичний простір художнього тексту впливає на жанрову своєрідність прозових текстів.
В статье с позиции когнитивно-семиотического и нарративного подходов описаны принципы моделирования мифолорного пространства америндских художественных прозаических текстов. Доказано, что характер вписанности мифолорного пространства в семантическое пространство художественного текста влияет на его жанровое своеобразие.
The article focusеs on the revealing the ways of modeling the mytholoric space in American Indian prose on the base of cognitive semiotic and narrative approaches. Mytholoric space is defined as dynamic cognitive and semiotic construal that is the system of different mytholoric, mytholoric and literary images, which in the process of embodying into semantic space of literary text influence the formation of its genre peculiar features. It is proved that the way of embodying the mytholoric space into literary Amerindian texts influences their genre peculiar features. The principles of modeling the mytholoric space of literary text are grounded in the paper. They are: homogeneity (the components of mytholoric space are mytholoric images), discreteness (the possibility of identifying the components of mytholoric space), hierarchy (the existence of different types of mytholoric images and their concrete place in mytholoric space of literary text), wholeness (coherence and cohesion of mytholoric space components), embodiness into literary space of the text (stylistic means and narrative ways of embodying the components of mytholoric space into literary space of the text). The factual material the investigation is done is novel myth “House Made of Dawn” by Amerindian writer Scott Momaday. The paper represents the model of mytholoric space in this novel.