Стаття висвітлює сутність категорії модальності, різні її типи (об’єктивну і суб’єктивну, модусну, авторську, алетичну, деонтичну, аксіологічну, епістемічну, часову та просторову), відповідно до
наукових підходів, з якими вона корелює; функції модальності у художньому тексті, визначає такі
характеристики художнього простору, як відкритість, замкненість, просторість, доступність /
недоступність до огляду, місткість, сенсорне сприйняття; виокремлює мовнi оператори репрезен-
тації просторової модальності у тканині художнього твору (вказівних займенників (рідше – особо-
вих), прислівників (here, there, far, near), власних назв (тононімів, антропонімів), номінативних оди-
ниць з просторовим значенням (house, shack, church, cathedral, space), виявляє означені утворення у
романі Д. Брауна «Інферно», які представлені номінативними одиницями із просторовим значенням
(conference room, chamber, the grotto, located its crenellated tower, in the direction, nearby buildings the
hall, around a single sculpture, balcony that overlooked the hall, at the expansive room beneath them, the
distant sky, the garret, the dark space beneath them, endless tunnel, church, cathedral, space the garret on foot,
entering through a doorway at the other end of the attic). This paper is a study of space modality that represents its operators and their functional potential in
the novel “Inferno” by D. Brown. The theoretical background is based on theory of modality by D. Bennet,
K. Kessler, L. Talmy,
T. Regier, S. Svorou that defines textual modality as the expression in the text of author’s attitude to the
narration, his conceptions, points of view, positions, system of values, formed in order to transmit them to the
reader. By applying modern researches in linguistics six types of modality are differentiated: alethic, deontic,
axiological, epistemic, time and space. The main question is how time and space modality are realized in the
novel “Inferno” by D. Brown. In order to find the answer, a literary text of about 600 fragments with special
deixises has been conducted. By applying the theory of space modality to corresponding deixises, demonstra-
tive pronouns, adverbs, toponyms, nominative units with spatial and temporal meaning exact time markers,
adverbs, expressing time relations have been singled out. It has been proved that literary space has important
functions in the analyzed novel: indication of the location of the objects and characters, the influence on the
addressee’s consciousness, intensification of moral and ethic characteristic of personages, creation of com-
plicated literary structure; fishes out linguistic operators of space modality presentation in the context of a
literary text as pronouns, proverb (here, there, far, near), proper names (toponymes, antroponymes), nomina-
tive units asspace operators (house, shack, church, cathedral, space), finds all these phenomena in D. Brawn’s
novel “Inferno”, which are presented in this text by such space markers as: conference room, chamber, the
grotto, located its crenellated tower, in the direction, nearby buildings the hall, around a single sculpture, bal-
cony that overlooked the hall, at the expansive room beneath them, the distant sky, the garret, the dark space
beneath them, endless tunnel, church, cathedral, space the garret on foot, entering through a doorway at the
other end of the attic.