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dc.contributor.author Капарулін, Ю. В.
dc.contributor.author Панкратова, В.
dc.date.accessioned 2017-09-27T10:49:54Z
dc.date.available 2017-09-27T10:49:54Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.uri http://eKhSUIR.kspu.edu/handle/123456789/3584
dc.description Капарулін, Ю. В. Георгій Афанасьєв ( 1848-1925 ) : спроба упорядкування бібліографії ученого / Ю. В. Капарулін, В. Панкратова // Scriptorium nostrum. – 2015. – № 3. - С. 91-106. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У статті упорядковано бібліографію робіт історика, громадського діяча та політика Георгія Афанасьєва. До бібліографії включено перелік монографічних праць, статті, а також список публічних лекцій. В статье сделана попытка упорядочить библиографию работ историка, общественного деятеля и политика Георгия Афанасьева. В библиографию включены перечень монографических работ, статьи, а также список публичных лекций. Heorhii Omelianovych Afanasiev (1848-1925) was a known historian, a lecturer, a journalist, a diplomat, a financier and a statesman. The article is devoted to the systematization of his scientific and publicistic works. One manifestation of H. Afanasiev’s creative activity was public lecture,it is also included in the bibliography list. Recently this personality is becoming more known among Ukrainian historians. His works can be found in the central libraries and archives of the former Soviet Union, but, in general, scientist’s creative heritage is dispersed. A lot of historian’s works have not lost their scientific weight and were republished during the last decade. Therefore, H. Afanasiev’screativity is interesting and topical for contemporary scholars and this theme is deserved a comprehensive study. Drafted bibliography demonstrates the wide range of H. Afanasiev’s interests, it is shown in the disclosure of historical topics at the crossroads of history and economics, using an interdisciplinary approach. In addition, the scientist has interested in politics. We hope that the compiled list of the historian’s works will be use ful for the researchers and will be supplemented in the future. uk_UA
dc.subject Георгій Афанасьєв uk_UA
dc.subject бібліографія uk_UA
dc.subject історична наука uk_UA
dc.subject всесвітня історія
dc.subject Георгий Афанасьев
dc.subject библиография
dc.subject историческая наука
dc.subject всемирная история
dc.subject Heorhii Afanasiev
dc.subject the bibliography
dc.subject the historical science
dc.subject the world history
dc.type Article uk_UA

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