У статті розглянуто просторові особливості міграційних процесів у Київській області. Запропоновано підходи щодо виявлення просторових особливостей і трендів міграційної активності населення. Виділено три групи адміністративних одиниць обласного підпорядкування за кількісними значеннями сальдо міграції за період 2002–2016 років. Встановлено нарощування просторової амплітуди сальдо міграцій адміністративних одиниць Київської області починаючи з 2013 року. В статье рассмотрены пространственные особенности миграционных процессов в Киевской области. Предложены подходы по выявлению пространственных особенностей и трендов миграционной активности населения. Выделены три группы административных единиц областного подчинения по количественным значениям сальдо миграции за период 2002–2016 годов. Установлено наращивание пространственной амплитуды сальдо миграций административных единиц Киевской области начиная с 2013 года. Recent studies have shown the constant interest of geographers and economists in the issues of migration activity of the population, both at the international, national level, and within the framework of regional resettlement systems. Migration in scientific research often serves not only as an independent research object, but as an indicator of other socio-economic processes. At the same time, today there is a lack of modern socio-geographical studies of migrations that would reveal their spatial patterns and trends in their course. The bibliographic analysis of scientific works of the last decade shows the constant interest of scientists (mainly geographers and economists) in the issues of migration activity of the population, geographical features of migration and their mapping. The main areas of research can be grouped according to the features of the subject of study: peculiarities of migration processes in the EU and Ukraine, interregional migration in Ukraine, and the course and dynamics of migration within the regions of Ukraine. For the administrative regions of the Kyiv region, a temporal pattern was found to increase spatial amplitudes, in which it should be noted that since 2013 the values of amplitude have increased almost twice, in contrast to the previous period (2003-2012). To allocate zones with different intensity of balance of migration, two quantitative indicators are used. The first indicator is zero ppm and allocates zones of growth and population decline. The second indicator is 2,37 ppm. It allows to allocate an additional (middle or median) group of administrative units that have positive values of the balance of migration, but they are lower than the indicators of the Kiev region as a whole. According to the balance of migration, three types of administrative units are distinguished, for which these values are characteristic. The first group shows long-term negative values of migration balances. The second (median) group has positive values, but is less than the regional average. The third group has the largest migration attractiveness and has the highest rates of migration. The spatial analysis of the migration balance allowed to clearly distinguish on the cartographic model the statistical "spine" of positive values. It extends from the Right Bank to the Left Bank, having Kiev as the center, in the southwest direction. The current migration situation substantially affects the spatial aspects of the labor resource potential of the region, leads to changes in the labor market and requires more detailed research.
Ващенко, О.В. ПРОСТОРОВИЙ РОЗПОДІЛ ПОКАЗНИКА САЛЬДО МІГРАЦІЙ У СТОЛИЧНОМУ ОБЛАСНОМУ РЕГІОНІ / О. В. Ващенко // Науковий вісник Херсонського держ. ун-ту. Серія : Географічні науки. – Херсон, 2018. - Вип. 9. – С. 33-38.