dc.description.abstract |
У процесі написання статті розкрита сутність історико-географічних передумов формування сучасного стану трудового потенціалу Волинської області та особливості демографічної складової частини разом із загальним описом економічної історії області. В процессе написания статьи раскрыта сущность историко-гегорафических предпосылок формирования современного состояния трудового потенциала Волынской области и особенности демографической составляющей наряду с общим описанием экономической истории области. In the process of writing the article, the essence of historical and hegoricheskie prerequisites for the formation of the current state of labor potential of the Volyn region, and the features of the demographic component together with the general description of the economic history of the region are revealed. In the 90 years of the twentieth century. the labor potential of the Volyn region entered a qualitatively new phase. The demographic transition was completed completely and, as a result, fertility rates decreased and mortality rates increased. For the first time, the Volyn region faced with problems of population reduction due to negative natural growth. The situation was considerably aggravated by unfavorable socio-economic and political phenomena in society, which were conditioned by the collapse of the USSR, market reforms, closure of enterprises, falling of living standards of the population, the appearance of mass unemployment, etc. The population of the Volyn region faced with the problems of survival. As a result of the aforementioned, mass labor migration was carried out abroad for the purpose of obtaining means of subsistence. A particularly threatening situation was observed in rural areas. The elimination of the collective farm system without real alternative ways of development has put most of the rural population below the poverty line. Not much better was the situation in small and medium-sized cities. The population of the Volyn region became mass-travel abroad for "making money". In the 1990's and 2000's, the main countries of Volyn labor migration were Russia, Belarus, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Poland. The largest number of migrant workers was accepted by Russia. After the aggravation of Ukrainian-Russian relations and Russian aggression in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, the number of migrant workers in Russia has significantly decreased. Now Volynians spend the most on work in Poland, the Czech Republic, Italy and other EU countries. |
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