The influence of the exercises of the pilates on the quality of life and the functional state of the spine of women with lumbar osteochondrosis was studied. We examined 10 women aged 27-33 years who were engaged for 4 months in the pilates system. The influence of pilates training on regress of pain syndrome in women is proved. It is shown that the subjective pain sensations experienced by women in everyday life, the severity of discomfort from the lumbar spine, as well as the difficulty in performing simple movements in everyday life became much less or completely disappeared during the 4 months of Pilates, as evidenced by a positive dynamics of indicators of the functional capabilities of women in their daily lives.
Козій,Т. П. Вплив фізичних вправ системи пілатес на якість життя жінок, хворих на остеохондроз поперекового відділу хребта / Т. П. Козій // WORLD SCIENCE : Multidisciplinary scientific edition. - RS Global Sp. z O.O., Warsaw, Poland, February 2018. - № 2(30) Vol.3. – Р. 32-35.