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dc.contributor.author Цепкало, Т. О.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-19T06:24:22Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-19T06:24:22Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.uri http://ekhsuir.kspu.edu/handle/123456789/9084
dc.description Цепкало, Т. О. Символіка образу місяця в поезії Івана Драча / Т. О. Цепкало // Наукові записки. Серія : Філологічні науки. – Кіровоград : РВВ КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2016. – Вип. 148. – С. 176-183. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract Стаття присвячена дослідженню міфологічних особливостей архетипного образу місяця в поетичній творчості відомого українського поета-шістдесятника Івана Драча. Детально вивчається інтерпретація символіки лунарного образу у зв’язку із національною та світовою міфологією, а також розглядаються індивідуально-авторські погляди на світоустрій через розкодування авторських інтенцій у трактуванні символу місяця. Article is devoted to research of mythological features of an archetypal image of the moon in poetic works of the famous Ukrainian poet of the sixties Ivan Drach. Interpretation of symbolics of the moon image in connection with national and world mythology is studied in details and also individual and author’s views of a world order through decoding of author's intensions in interpretation of a symbol of moon are considered. Literary creativity is a symbiosis of art and mythological thinking in the course of generation of national and universal achievements of a cultural and spiritual reserve of mankind. The writer in the work lifts from depths of human consciousness the intimate and hidden images, symbols, representations acquired by collective experience throughout many centuries and project them in the plane of modern life. The mythologeme of the moon by Ivan Drach’s gets extraordinary various transformations, is interwoven into the most unexpected comparisons and wide individual and author's metaphors, carrying the mythological code which is read only at the subtext level. The moon's image of I. Drach repeatedly appears in the form of the usual household subject which is skilfully poeticized and interwoven into an original metaphor. Combining ordinary with high in burlesquing style, the author raises small earthly thing on spiritual level through objectifying of an astral image. The analysis of the image of the moon of I. Drach’s poems makes it possible to tell about a touch picture of the world of the artist as he skilfully unites visual, acoustical, tactile and even the olfactory feelings forming themselves special integrity, intertwining and interacting with each other. It is significant that synestesic means of I. Drach’s poetry are imposed on existential vision of the world that is most brightly reflected in the poetry collection «Sunflower». So, the mythologeme of the moon in poetic creativity of I. Drach through metamorphosing manifestations realizes philosophical and social views of the author. Partly the image of the moon becomes the exponent of existential outlook of the Ukrainian artist as even space realities in his verses absorb in them a human grief, radiate tears and so forth. The subject of Chernobyl accident is especially indicative in this foreshortening, the consequence of which I. Drach represents in the world scale, enduring pain and sufferings of the earth's population on heavenly bodies. Through synestesic comprehension of the world the author manages to describe an image of the moon in various sensual measurements, and also to turn it into a subject of everyday attributes. Also this astral image appears as a symbol of inspiration and creativity, the means of transmission of the mythological outlook of the writer. uk_UA
dc.subject символ uk_UA
dc.subject архетипний образ uk_UA
dc.subject міфологема місяця uk_UA
dc.subject міфопоетика uk_UA
dc.subject світогляд uk_UA
dc.subject symbol uk_UA
dc.subject archetypic image uk_UA
dc.subject the mythologeme of the moon uk_UA
dc.subject mythopoetics uk_UA
dc.subject outlook uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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