Представлена стаття присвячена особливостям усного та писемного мовлення осіб з психічними захворюваннями/розладами. Автор проаналізував особливості мовлення двох категорій осіб з психічними захворюваннями/розладами, а саме хворих з розладами психіки унаслідок вживання наркотичних та психоактивних речовин та хворих на шизофренію та шизоафективні розлади. Визначено перспективи дослідження мовленнєвого портрету особи з психічним захворюванням/розладом як складової проведення криміналістичної групофікації. Представленная статья посвящена особенностям устной и письменной речи лиц с психическими заболеваниями/расстройствами. Автор
проанализировал особенности речи двух категорий лиц с психическими заболеваниями/расстройствами, а именно больных с расстройствами психики вследствие употребления наркотических и психоактивных веществ и больных шизофренией и шизоаффективным расстройства. Определены перспективы исследования речевого портрета лица с психическим заболеванием/расстройством как составляющей проведения криминалистической группофикации.
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of oral and written speech of persons with mental illness / disorder. The author analyzed the peculiarities of speech for the two categories of persons with mental illnesses / disorders, namely, patients with mental disorders due to the use of narcotic and psychoactive substances and patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. The author stresses that the transmission of persons with mental illness / disorder depends on the type of mental illness / disorder, the stage, duration and complexity of its course. In the article the classification of speech characteristics of people with mental disorders as a result of the use of narcotic and psychoactive substances in the 3 groups is proposed: personal-language features that arose as a result of the social experience of staying in and out of the drug addicts' environment; self-specific features that arose as a result of the organic toxic lesion of the central nervous system; disturbance of other mental processes (such as thinking, attention, imagination) that manifest themselves in the content of the speech. The author notes that the oral speech of patients with schizophrenia has the following peculiarities: deviation from the topic, sudden stops, violation of speed and pace of speech, propensity to abstract words, short stories, reduced vocabulary, limited use of conjunctions and prepositions, lack of initiative at the beginning of a conversation, Reason, "tangential answers", inconsistency and inconsistency ("verbal salad"), perseverance and paraphase, lack of grammatical consistency. For patients with schizophrenia, the peculiarity of handwriting is characteristic (bizarre, with elements that are not prescribed by the word, with deformed letters); in the letter typical selection is by stroke, stroke, underscore of individual words,
sentences or compositions, punctuation marks, etc. The speech of schizophrenics is significantly different at different stages of the disease. If patients with a diagnosis of classical and final forms of paranoid schizophrenia have all the features of the disease, then in patients with remission, there is a lack of "pathological" phenomena. This feature is due to the fact that the state of remission is characterized by a temporary relief of psychopathological symptoms. The article outlines prospects for research on the speech portrait of a person with mental illness / disorder as a component of criminalistic grouping and diagnostics.