Стаття присвячена порівняльному аналізу тлумачення поняття «мовленнєвий портрет» у лінгвістиці, психології та криміналістиці. На основі наукових праць визначено належність такого поняття до криміналістичної техніки. Визначено структуру мовленнєвого портрету особи в криміналістиці та перспективи застосування методу мовленнєвого портрету в кримінальному провадженні. Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу толкования понятия «речевой портрет» в лингвистике, психологии и криминалистике. На основе научных трудов определена принадлежность такого понятия в криминалистической техники. Определена структура речевого портрета лица в криминалистике и перспективы применения метода речевого портрета в уголовном производстве. The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the interpretation of the concept of "speech portrait" in linguistics, psychology and criminalistics. On the basis of scientific works, the affiliation of such a concept with forensic technology is determined. Next, the author looks at different types of speech portraits: level, communicative, genesis, psychological and fragmentary. The article gives a detailed comparative analysis of the features of speech portraiture in linguistics and psychology, and in the practice of crime investigations, in particular the methodological recommendations of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, and the recommendations for conducting forensic examinations. The structure of the speech portrait of a person in criminalistics and the prospects of applying the method of speech portrait in criminal proceedings are determined. The author stresses that today the structure of a speech portrait has not been investigated. The author concludes that in forensic science, based on the typical tasks posed in criminal proceedings, one should pay attention to the study of features of a speech portrait that will help to achieve identification, group or diagnostic goals. Therefore, the speech portrait of a person in forensics has a vertical and horizontal structure. The
vertical structure contains 3 levels: separate, situational and individual. In the horizontal, there are 3 groups of features: oral, written and mixed. Much attention is given to the history of the formation of the criminalistic method of verbal portrait and the possibility of its use in modern conditions. The author comes to the conclusion that the "speech" portrait of a person can be researched and can be the basis for criminalistic identification, grouping and diagnostics, and also applied in operative-search, investigative and expert practice.