dc.description.abstract |
Стаття присвячена аналізові засобів вербалізації міфологеми Wilderness, яка є однією з підвалин національної ідентичності та самобутності, в американській поезії ХХІ століття на прикладі творів Саймона Ортіса, Луїзи Ердрік та Карен Волкмен. Статья посвящена анализу способов вербализации мифологемы Wilderness, которая лежит в основе национальной идентичности та самобытности американской поэзии 21 века на примере произведений Саймона Ортиса, Луизы Эрдрик и Карен Волкмэн. The article touches upon the analysis of verbalization of the mythologeme Wilderness, as one of the fundamental principles of national identity and authenticity, in the American poetry of the 21st century (the case study of poems by Simon Ortiz, Louise Erdrich and Karen Volkman). The archetypal world of the poet is accumulated around images, which are one of the primary sources of the universe (earth); it focuses on the cycles of human existence (grass) and the infinite possibilities and aspirations of man (road). All images bear the sign of a rebirth, "eternal repetition," which gives the nation a chance for another resurrection. That is why the mythologeme of earth, made explicit by archetypal images of grass, leaves, roads, trees, is one of the most relevant for American poetry of the 21st century and is interpreted in poetic texts of modern authors through allusions. Although cultural connotations are most clearly reflected in idiomatic language and regular lexical combinations of words, they are, however, inherent in all culturally marked linguistic units, including nominative ones, which exhibit potential in a certain cultural-historical context. Thus, the nominative linguistic units realized through the names of plants represent the mythologeme Wilderness as an integral part of the world picture of AfricanAmerican poetry in the 21st century. |
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