dc.description.abstract |
В статті розглянуті інформаційно-комунікаційні технології у сфері побудови інфраструктури «розумного міста». Досліджено, що досить швидко технології стали грати важливу роль в процесі міського планування. Проаналізовані технологічні проблеми застосування ІКТ-технологій в проектах розумних міст. Запропоновані чинники, які утворюють основу інтегративної моделі розумного міста та доведено, що ІКТ-технології є найголовнішим фактором ініціатив розумного міста. Розглянуто недоліки нормативноправового регулювання у сфері ІКТ. В статье рассмотрены информационно-коммуникационные технологии в сфере построения инфраструктуры «умного города». Доказано, что довольно быстро технологии стали играть важную роль в процессе городского планирования. Проанализированы технологические проблемы применения ИКТ-технологий в проектах разумных городов. Предложены факторы, которые образуют основу интегративной модели умного города и доказано, что ИКТ-технологии являются главным фактором инициатив умного города. Рассмотрены недостатки нормативно-правовому регулированию в сфере ИКТ. It is analyzed that a reasonable city is based, in particular, on the totality of modern intelligent ICT technologies. These technologies integrate communication functions, including mobile, processing, sensing, interfacing, and security. They are used in critical infrastructure components and services of the city and allow the creation of IT systems that simulate and analyze real-time external worlds to help people make more intelligent solutions in the presence of alternative actions and optimize business processes and financial flows of enterprises. Attention is focused on the fact that there is currently no specific generally accepted definition of the term “smart city”, due to the fact that this concept is extremely dynamic, there is a rapid development of this sphere. The concept is based on increasing the efficiency of all city services through the use of information and communication technologies, namely automated intelligent control and management systems for various aspects of city life, such as housing and utilities, urban automobile traffic, public transport, public safety, education, health care and energy systems, water supply and environmental situation. A smart city is characterized by highly efficient management and economy, a high level of quality of life, communications and mobility, active participation of the population in urban life, and respect for the environment. The study showed that the authorities need to develop not only the concept of city management based on data, but also to popularize the concept of open data. Inform residents about the methods used to protect information and the benefits of ongoing technology initiatives. And also about the possibilities of participation in the management of the city through IT technologies and open information platforms. Raising awareness and technological literacy of ordinary citizens and business representatives is an important condition for the successful implementation of the concept. The effect of technological solutions implemented by the city authorities should be predictable and measurable. It can be expressed in financial equivalents (savings of the city budget, growth of treasury income), indicators of operating activities and / or degree of satisfaction of the population with the quality of life in the city. Government need to make sure that technologies are not being introduced for the sake of the technologies themselves, but really improve the quality of planning, operational processes and increase the comfort of the urban environment. |
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