The purpose of the research is to find out empirically and theoretically substantiate the psychological causes of
football players’ fatigue. Methods. The ascertaining strategy of research and ranking of parameters has been
applied. Valid and reliable psychodiagnostic methods have been used to measure parameters of professional
maladjustment, self-assessment of psychophysiological state, differentiated assessment of performance, and the
level of football players’ emotional burnout. Results. It was found that the high level of football player’s fatigue
from the training-competitive cycle has been caused by a decrease in the efficiency of their psycho-functional
systems: emotional changes (R=.920); a decrease in general activity (R=.810); a decrease in motivation to
activity (R=.824); features of certain mental processes (R=.549); features of social interaction (R=.891). It has
been shown that with a decrease in the indicators of the psychophysiological state, the feeling of fatigue
increases: well-being (R=-.812); activity (R=-.840). As well as in relation to motivational factors of the
appearance of fatigue: interest in sports (R=-.869); willingness to perform tasks (R=-.816). A statistically reliable
inverse relationship has been established between all indicators of the psychophysiological state and predictors
of fatigue: monotony, oversaturation, stress. It has been empirically established and explained that the drop in the
level of football players’ performance, as a result of fatigue, can be caused by external negative influences:
experiencing psycho-traumatic circumstances (R=.924); “being cornered” (R=.896); a desire to curtail
professional activity: reduction of professional duties (R=.936); changes in team’s psychological climate:
personal alienation (R=.924); changes in the emotional sphere: anxiety and depression (R=.882); inadequate
selective emotional response (R=.867); emotional moral disorientation (R=.904); expansion of the sphere of
emotional economy (R=.918); emotional deficit (R=.870); emotional alienation (R=.896). Discussion and
conclusions. It has been summarized that football players with pronounced parameters of fatigue are much more
often characterized by a deterioration in well-being, namely changes in the emotional sphere, a decrease in
general activity and course of mental processes. At the same time, they are characterized by separate somatic
vegetative disorders in sleep, peculiarities in social relations. In sports activities, they demonstrate reduced
motivation and, accordingly, the lack of interest and motivation provokes a feeling of fatigue. It has been
empirically found that the respondent football players with a pronounced feeling of fatigue demonstrate a high
level of desire to stop their training and competition activities. These football players feel bored with
monotonous, same-type activities and seek to change activity or diversify it.
Shcherbak, T., Popovych, I., Kariyev, A., Duisenbayeva, A., Huzar, V., Hoian, I., & Kyrychenko, K. (2023). Psychological causes of fatigue of football players. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23 (8), 2193–2202. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2023.08251.