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dc.contributor.author Спринь, О. Б.
dc.contributor.author Голяка, С. К.
dc.contributor.author Стамат, О. Є.
dc.contributor.author Spryn, O. B.
dc.contributor.author Holiaka, S. K.
dc.contributor.author Stamat, O. Ye.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-08-23T13:02:00Z
dc.date.available 2023-08-23T13:02:00Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.uri http://ekhsuir.kspu.edu/123456789/18331
dc.description Голяка, С. К. Стан властивостей нейродинамічних та психофізіологічних функцій сенсорнодепривованих учнів / О. Б. Спринь, С. К. Голяка, О. Є. Стамат // Вісник Черкаського нац. ун-ту імені Богдана Хмельницького. Серія : Біологічні науки. - 2023. - №.1 – С.1-10. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract У статті розглядається питання вивчення швидкості сенсомоторного реагування, індивідуально-типологічних властивостей ВНД, психофізіологічних функцій пам’яті та уваги в учнів 15-16 років зі слуховою і зоровою сенсорною депривацією. Виявлено, що група дітей з вадами зору характеризувалася відносно кращими показниками швидкості слухо-моторних реакцій, група дітей з вадами слуху - швидкістю зорово-моторних реакцій. З’ясовано, що серед групи дітей із слухосенсорною депривацією та учнів контрольної групи у більшій мірі властиві відносно вищі показники ФРНП та СНП, ніж учням з вадами зору. Встановлено, що відносно вищими показниками психофізіологічних функцій характеризувалися учні контрольної групи, окрім показника обсягу короткочасної пам’яті на геометричні фігури та обсягу уваги, де вищими показниками характеризувалися група дітей зі слуховою деприваією. Introduction. In the modern world, the body of children and adolescents is under the influence of an increasing amount of information loads. An important role during information processing belongs not only to cortical processes, but also to a certain number of subcortical structures, which makes it necessary to more widely investigate cortico-visceral mechanisms of regulation of human psychomotor activity. Previously, the study of psychomotor skills, as well as information processing, was accompanied by studies based on obtaining vegetative indicators of various functional systems, but recently significant attention has also been paid to studies of the organization of bioelectrical processes of the brain, the study of neurodynamic and psychophysiological functions. The purpose of the study is to study the properties of the main nervous processes and higher mental functions, as well as to identify the neuropsychophysiological features of visual information processing in people with visual and hearing impairment. Methods. The study was conducted among 95 students aged 15-16 years. They were divided into three groups: a control group (healthy students), a group of children with hearing impairments, and a group of children with visual impairments. The speed of sensorimotor reactions, individual-typological properties of HNA, were studied using the "Diagnost-1M" computer system, properties of memory and attention using blank methods. Results. When studying the features of individual psychophysiological functions of children with sensory deprivation, it is observed that the group of children with visual impairments was characterized by relatively better indicators of latent periods of auditory-motor reactions, while the group of children with hearing impairments is characterized by relatively better indicators of latent periods of visualmotor reactions. In the majority of the group of children with auditory-sensory deprivation and students of the control group, there were more individuals with a higher than average level of functional mobility of nervous processes, while in the group of students with visual deprivation, children with low indicators of functional mobility of nervous processes were more often observed. The working capacity of the brain, which was determined by the indicators of the number of signal processing in 2 minutes, as well as the time of going to the minimum exposure, turned out to be relatively higher than the similar indicators of the group of children with hearing deprivation and, especially, of the group of children with visual impairments. Most students of all groups are characterized by a predominance of excitement over inhibition. When studying the scope of short-term memory and attention, we found that the students of the control group were characterized by relatively higher indicators, except for the indicator of the volume of short-term memory for geometric shapes and the volume of attention, where the group of children with hearing deprivation was characterized by higher indicators. Conclusions. The study of the features of the sensorimotor response, the properties of the main nervous processes plays an important role in assessing the functional state of the body, contributes to the understanding of the physiological mechanisms of the integrative activity of the brain of children with visual and hearing impairments. Differences in indicators of the properties of neurodynamic functions can be seen in the development of compensatory reactions aimed at replacing the impaired function: in groups of sensorydeprived children, the process of compensation of the lost function of one analyzer at the expense of another is noted. uk_UA
dc.subject сенсомототорика uk_UA
dc.subject сенсорна депривація uk_UA
dc.subject нейродинаміка uk_UA
dc.subject пам’ять uk_UA
dc.subject увага uk_UA
dc.subject sensorimotor uk_UA
dc.subject sensory deprivation uk_UA
dc.subject neurodynamics uk_UA
dc.subject memory uk_UA
dc.subject attention uk_UA
dc.title.alternative State of neurodynamic and psychophysiological function properties of sensory deprivated students uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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