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  • Popovych, I.; Borysiuk, A.; Semenov, O.; Semenova, N.; Serbin, I.; Reznikova, O.; Резнікова, О. А.; Попович, І. С.; Борисюк, А. С.; Семенов, О. С.; Семенова, Н. І.; Сербін, Ю. В. (2022)
    The purpose of the research is to create a factor structure of risk readiness in team sports athletes, as well as a comparison of key parameters across the three samples: football, handball, and volleyball. Subjects’ ...
  • Glavatskaya, Yu. L.; Главацька, Ю. Л. (2014)
    This article outlines different scientific grounds as for composition and composition and sense structure of the text within modern philological studios. The essence of cognitive perspective as to the analyzed problem is revealed.
  • Цапів, А. О. (2016)
    У статті запропоновано тлумачення мегаметафори LIFE IS A QUIZ як стрижневого компоненту побудови сюжетно композиційної структури англійської казки. The article deals with the megametaphor LIFE IS A QUIZ as a ...
  • Weissblut, A. (2019)
    The structural stability of a mathematical model with respect to small changes is a necessary condition for its correctness. The same condition is also necessary for the applicability of numerical methods, a computational ...
  • Mokhnenko, A. S.; Fedorchuk, O. М.; Protosivitska, O.; Мохненко, А. С.; Федорчук, О. М.; Протосвіцька, О. І. (2019)
    This article focuses on elaborating the theoretical, methodological and applied principles of forming and implementing effective mechanisms of the farming enterprises development in a competitive environment. The thesis ...
  • Белехова, Л. И.; Бєлєхова, Л. І.; Bieliekhova, L. I. (2015)
  • Казакова, Т. С. (2020)
    Програма вивчення навчальної дисципліни «Conflict Management» складена відповідно до освітньо-професійної програми підготовки бакалаврів з Менеджменту. Предметом вивчення навчальної дисципліни є конфлікт як соціальне явище. ...
  • MOYSIYENKO, I. I.; Dayneko, P. M.; SUDNIK-WÓJCIKOWSKA, B.; DEMBICZ, I.; ZACHWATOWICZ, M.; ZAKHAROVA, M. YA.; Дайнеко, П. М.; Мойсієнко, І. І.; Суднік-Войциковська, Б.; Дембіч, І.; Захватович, М.; Захарова, М. Я.; МОЙСИЕНКО, И. И; СУДНИК-ВОЙЦИКОВСЬКАЯ, Б.; ДЕМБИЧ, И. (2020)
    During the past centuries high level of agricultural production resulted in a significant decrease steppe vegetation. In transformed landscapes South Ukraine cultural monuments such as old settlements can have the potential ...
  • Popovych, I. S.; Borysiuk, А.; Zahrai, L.; Fedoruk, О.; Nosov, Р.; Zinchenko, S.; Mateichuk, V.; Попович, І. С.; Борисюк, А.; Заграй, Л.; Федорук, О.; Носов, П.; Зінченко, С.; Матейчук, В. (2020)
    The purpose of the study is to construct and substantiate the structural-functional model of social expectations of the personality. A completely new approach to understanding and organizing the study of social expectations ...
  • Popovych, I. S.; Radul, I.; Radul, V.; Geiko, Ie.; Hoi, N.; Sribna, O.; Tymosh, Yu.; Попович, І. С. (2022)
    The purpose of the study is to justify the methodology for developing complexes of mental resources (CMR) for sports representatives by comparing CMR male and female sports teams. The male sample included football (n=108) ...
  • Valuieva, I. V.; Покорна, Л. М.; Валуєва, І. В. (2017)
    The article deals with the secondary predication in Modern English. The main idea of the article is the examination of the peculiarities of semi-predicative constructions, the analysis of the syntactical nature of them and ...
  • Kudriavtseva, N.; Homanyuk, M. А.; Гоманюк, М. А. (2020)
  • Kobets, V.; Popovych, I. S.; Zinchenko, S.; Tovstokoryi, O.; Nosov, P.; Kyrychenko, K.; Попович, І. С. (2023)
    The issues of using the pivot point concept for the control of a conventional single-screw vessel are considered. The relevance of the task lies in the need for a more accurate assessment of the vessel's trajectory and ...
  • Zinchenko, S.; Kobets, V.; Tovstokoryi, O.; Kyrychenko, K.; Nosov, P.; Popovych, I. S.; Зінченко, С. М.; Кобець, В.; Товстокорий, О.; Кириченко, К. В.; Носов, П.; Попович, І. С. (2023)
    The article deals with the issue of reducing the maneuvering area of a conventional single-screw vessel due to the use, when determining controls, of the refined calculation scheme "gravity center – rotation center – ...
  • Zinchenko, S. M.; Nosov, P. S.; Popovych, I. S.; Зінченко, С. М.; Носов, П. С.; Попович, І. С.; Зинченко, С. Н.; Попович, И. С. (2021)
    The purpose of the article is to determine the criterion of control redundancy and calculate its value for various types of vessels and navigation modes. A brief review was carried out and it was concluded that redundancy ...
  • Kuz'mich, V. I.; Кузьмич, В. І. (1993)
  • Ushkarenko, Yu.; Ушкаренко, Ю. В. (2019)
  • Popovych, I. S.; Blynova, O. Ye.; Lappo, V.; Kalenchuk, V.; Agarkov, O.; Shramko, I.; Lymarenko, L.; Попович, І. С.; Блинова, О. Є.; Каленчук, В.; Агарков, О.; Лимаренко, Л. (2020)
    The purpose is to examine the features of the correlation between the evaluations of corporate culture by university students and their professional identity. Corporate culture of a university is considered as an integral ...

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