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dc.contributor.author Polevikova, O. B.
dc.contributor.author Shvets, T. A.
dc.contributor.author Tsyupak, I. М.
dc.contributor.author Полевікова, О. Б.
dc.contributor.author Швець, Т. А.
dc.contributor.author Цюпак, І. М.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-26T06:07:47Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-26T06:07:47Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://ekhsuir.kspu.edu/handle/123456789/9156
dc.description Polevikova, O. B. Рeculiarities of experimental and research activities in classes with preschoolers / O. B. Polevikova, Т. А. Shvets, I.Tsyupak // Kontynent europejskiwobekwyzmanwspolczesnosci, T. 5, R. Kordonski, A. Kordonska, L. Muszynski (red.), Lwowski Uniwersytetim. Iwana Franki, Lwow Olsztyn, 2019. S. 272 – 286. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The current situation of human development is the situation of non-standard, uncertain tasks, a situation where we have to deal with unreliable information, take into account the points of view of real and potential partners. It requires from each individual an exploratory attitude towards the outside world. The principal feature that determines the specifics of cognitive activity of man in modern conditions is that there is a constant need to manage immediately a multitude of new and diverse objects and phenomena associated with each other. Therefore, now we need another system of organization of cognitive activity - qualitatively higher level. A modern child should actively explore the novelty and complexity of a changing world, create, invent new, original strategies of behavior and activities. This active cognitive attitude to reality should be formed from childhood. The authors proposed their way to solving this problem through the organization of search and research activities of preschool children, which is considered as a powerful innovative educational technology - a means of solving educational problems in the modern society, a means for the translation of norms and values of the scientific community into the educational system, the means of replenishment and the development of the intellectual potential of society. The article analyzes contemporary ideas about research training; forms of organization and methods of experimental learning are disclosed; the stage of research search of a child is described; sequence of research with children; the possibilities of organizing experimentation in various kinds of children's activities are considered; algorithm for preparing and conducting an experiment-class; 1Olga Polevikova, Ph.D., associate Professor of pedagogy of preschool and elementary education department, pedagogical faculty of Kherson state university, e-mail: polevikov@list.ru 2Irina Tsyupak, Ph.D., associate Professor of pedagogy of preschool and elementary education department, pedagogical faculty of Kherson state university, e-mail: irinatcupak@gmail.com 3Tatiana Shvets, Ph.D., senior lecturer of pedagogy of preschool and primary school education department, pedagogical faculty of Kherson state university, e-mail:tattishvets@gmail.com structure of the occupation-experiment; Examples of experiments and experiments for children are given. uk_UA
dc.subject researching uk_UA
dc.subject experimentation uk_UA
dc.subject activities uk_UA
dc.subject preschoolers uk_UA
dc.subject education uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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