This article is dedicated to the investigation of the fundamental philosophical values which lead the
activity of the self-government deputies in the Southern Ukraine region. A complex and ambiguous process
of the new socio-cultural reality formation took place at the end of 18th century. The South of Ukraine is
considered as the frontier area where the modern Western European, family- protective Ukrainian and
bureaucratic Russian traditions come into cross-cultural collaboration. Their close intermingling and
contact provided a basis for shaping the new philosophy, the system of values, stereotypes, mentality and
awareness of the local elites. The South of Ukraine became a modern region. That enabled to understand
the further necessity to intensify the process of decentralization, democratization and autonomization of
the local government. The conclusion has been done as to the values the present day politicians should
Cheremisin А., M. Herasymenko. The Dialectics of the Authority and Morality on the South of Ukraine at the End of 18th, the Early 20th Centuries. Ukrainian policymaker. Kyiv. 2018. Vol. 2. P. 4-12.