This monograph reflects the results of the authors’ research concerning development
and applying the data science techniques in the fields of technical diagnostic and
bioinformatics. The noised signals filtering is very important part of data pre-
processing techniques. The authors solve this task based on complex use of Huang
transform and wavelet analysis techniques.
Another direction of authors’ research is devoted to one of current directions of
modern bioinformatics: development of techniques of gene expression profiles pro-
cessing for purpose of gene regulatory networks reconstruction and validation of the
reconstructed models. The monograph presents the authors’ solutions concerning:
gene expression array formation using Bioconductor package of R software; non-
informative gene expression profiles reducing based on the complex use of fuzzy
inference system and clustering quality criteria; stepwise cluster-bicluster analysis
of gene expression profiles; reconstruction of gene regulatory networks using corre-
lation and ARACNE inference algorithms based on Cytoscape software; validation
of the reconstructed models using ROC analysis theory.
The monograph can be interested for scientists specialized in the fields of both
development and applying data science techniques in various fields of scientific
Babichev, S. Methods, models and information tech-
nology of complex data processing in the fields of technical diag-
nostics and bioinformatics / S. Babichev, B. Durnyak. - Lviv: Ukrainian Academy of Printing, 2020. - 192 р.