У статті запропоновано характеристику та зміст розвивально-корекційної програми, спрямованої на розвиток темпоральних характеристик особистості в студентському віці. Визначено основні етапи роботи зі студентами, а саме особистісний та діяльнісний етапи. Окреслені завдання кожної стадії розробленої програми та охарактеризовані уміння та навички передбачені як етап перетворюючих дій на кожній стадії розвивально-корекційної програми.
В статье предложена характеристика и содержание развивающие-коррекционной программы, направленной на развитие темпоральных характеристик личности в студенческом возрасте. Определены основные этапы работы со студентами, а именно личностный и деятельностный этапы. Обозначены задачи каждой стадии разработанной программы и охарактеризованы умения и навыки предусмотрены как этап преобразующих действий на каждой стадии определенных этапов развивающие-коррекционной программы.
The article presents the characteristic and content of developmental-corrective program aimed at developing the personality temporal characteristics in student age. The main stages of work with the students are determined and the personality stage is among them. The purpose of this DCP stage was creating constructive features of student temporality. We interpret constructive features of temporality as an effective organization of the student’s lifetime in the continuum “past - present - future”. The implementation of this unit was carried out in three stages: “past”, “present” and “future”. The work at the personality stage was done on various topics and tasks treated in the system of group and individual work, namely, in collective discussions and debates, heuristic conversations, metaphors analysis, problematic situations, doing exercises and independent tasks in an introspection dairy.
The theoretical analysis of the personality temporal characteristics in student age was carried out as a prerequisite for developing the content of the activity phase. Its implementation made it possible to conclude that the operation of such qualities is possible under conditions of mastering knowledge (temporal competence) and skills (methods, techniques, methods of organization and management of a lifetime and time).
Functioning constructive form of students’ temporality provides knowledge of psychological characteristics of such humanitarian categories as time, time perspective, time organization, activity, activity mode. Besides creating awareness of students in these matters, mastering practical skills and ability to organize their own activities, ensuring an effective lifetime management is an important area of activity stage of developmental-corrective program.
The tasks of each stage of the program developed are outlined in the research. Skills and abilities provided as a stage of transforming actions at each stage of developmental-corrective program are described.