I he article presents the results of investigations of vascular plants, mosses and lichens diversity on the agricultural landscapes
of southern Ukraine. Mora species of bryophytes agrolandscapes include anthotserotophyles. marshantyophyles and bryophytes.
Bryophytes are dominant and include species of the family 1'ouiaceae (50.0 % of all the species composition) and Hryaceae
(22.5 %). I he vegetation is represented by the classes Stellarietea mediae, Polygono arenastri—Poetea annua. Agropyretea repentis,
ClienopodieJea, including Red rare species - Anacamptis picta (Loisel.) R.M. ISateman. Lepidium purnihim Boiss. el Balansa and
others, There are 944 species of weeds on agricultural landscapes in the south of Ukraine that grow spontaneously, l'he most common
among them are 130-150 species. 500 species are adventive. The methods of rare diversity conservation and measures to light
weed infestation were proposed.
Bojko, M. F Phytodiversity and Lichenodiversity in the Conditions of Agricultural Landscapes in Southern Ukraine / M. F. Bojko, O.Y. Khodosovtsev, R. P. Melnyk and all // Science and Education a New Dimension. Natural and Technical Sciences. – III (5). Issue 41, 2015. – P. 11-14.