У статті розглянута актуальна проблема сучасного освітянського простору – застосування STEM-освіти в підготовці фахівців нетехнічного профілю. Проведений аналіз літературних першоджерел сутності вказаного напряму навчання в закладі вищої освіти дозволив виокремити принципи і підходи до організації STEMосвіти щодо підготовки біологів та екологів, Форматом такої освіти в класичному університеті запропоновано наукову студентську групу, у роботі якої і реалізовані відібрані принципи навчання студентів у позаудиторний час. Така підготовка здійснюється в межах STEM-лабораторії із проблем цитоекології. The article deals with the problem of using STEM-education in the training of specialists of the non-technical skills. The analysis of scientific literature showed that it is intensively developed in America and England, and in Ukraine there is already a project of the STEM-education concept. At the same time, the question of its implementation in our country remains unresolved. The same analysis allowed distinguishing the principles and approaches to organizing
STEM-education. They can be used in the preparation of biologists and ecologists at the classical university. The author proposed a scientific student group as a format for such training. In Kherson State University this format is implemented within the STEM-laboratory for cytoecology problems. The article presents the principles of STEM-education, which are enshrined in the teaching of students in extra-curricular time. The author named a number of positions as part of the selected features of the functioning of the STEM-education group “Cytotoecologist”. 1. Integrated study of modern ecology is carried out on the basis of the activity approach by means of partial-search and research methods. The result of such training is the creation of specific original scientific inventions. They can be used for analytical control of environmental safety. 2. Ability to solve specific scientific issues in contemporary ecology, formed by means of research work organization. Such skills of students increase the motivation for professional training and facilitate the acquisition of a wide range of practical skills. 3. The stereotype of specialist-researcher is formed among the students. It covers the innovative skills of working in the laboratory, the ability to think critically, communication and collaboration, teamwork skills, cognitive flexibility skills. The given stereotype orientates the student to successful self-realization in the future profession and other spheres of social life. In the article there are given the tutorial methods of practical realization of these STEM-education principles concerning preparation of future biologists and ecologists. They provide substantive content in the study of each such principle. The first aspect of the work of the STEM-education group is realized during long-term ecological and biological research conducted by students in the laboratory from 2nd to 6th years of study. Each student performs his “own” topic and during the successive stages of scientific research creates an original method (methodology) of phytotesting of certain environmental factors. They already have an expression in the development of patents. The second feature of the organization of STEM-education in the group “Cytoecologist” is realized by the student during the sequential implementation of the scientific research stages, which uses several methods for determining the indicators of model systems in the conditions of certain environmental factors. In this process there is formed a number of skills that students are supposed to form. Comprehensive gradual formation of a student as a specialist-researcher (the third distinct aspect of the organization of the STEM-education functioning in the group) occurs when he is involved in participating in these stages of scientific research.
Сидорович, М. М. STEM-освіта у підготовці майбутніх біологів і екологів / М. М. Сидорович // Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук : міжвузівський зб. наук. праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного пед. ун-ту ім. Івана Франка. – Дрогобич : Видавничий дім «Гільветика», 2018. – Вип. 21, т. 2. - С. 162 – 166.