У статті досліджено девербативи як складник лінгводидактичної терміносистеми в лексико-семантичному, граматичному і стилістичному аспектах. Запропоновано семантичну класифікацію віддієслівних іменників, з’ясовано, які суфіксальні морфеми репрезентують семантичні відношення, що виражають девербативи nomina actionis, nomina acti, nomina agentis у сучасній лінгводидактичній терміносистемі. Охарактеризовано явище регулярної полісемії, а також виокремлено основні типи синонімічних лексем- девербативів, виявлених у науковому лінгводидактичному дискурсі.
The article presents the investigation of deverbatives as a consistuent of linguodidactic terminology system in lexical and semantic, grammatical and stylistic aspects. Semantic classification of verbal nouns is offered, found out suffix morphemes presenting semantic relations that express such deverbatives as nomina actionis, nomina acti, nomina agentis in modern linguodidactic terminology system. The phenomenon of regular polysemy is described and basic types of synonymous lexemes-deverbatives educed in scientific linguodidactic discourse are distinguished. Modern linguodidactic system is characterized by usage of verbal nouns – of subject denominated process, result of this process and subject of the action. Dominant place in expression of word formation meaning “subjected process” take deverbatives with inherent suffixes -енн(я), -нн(я), borrowed suffix -аці(я); “names of process result” – deverbatives with zero suffix and inherent suffix -к(а); suffixes expressing “name of action subject” meaning, relating to irregular word formation formants. Term deverbatives in area of linguodidactics are characterized with metonymical transformation; in particular, transition “cognitive process → result of cognitive process” can take place not only at lexical level but at the level of morphological word formation. Metonymical transformation as a result of semantic derivation in the field of derivative deverbatives “cognitive process → name of action subject, carrying out the process” is considered to be irregular. Among nine types of doublet lexemes-deverbatives discovered in the texts of linguodidactic aspiration there are word formative one-stem synonyms “foreign language deverbative with suffix -аці(я) – hybrid deverbative (foreign language deverbative with inherent suffix -нн(я))” and “hybrid deverbative (foreign language noun with inherent suffix -нн(я)) – foreign language deverbative with zero suffix”, lexical synonyms are the other types: “foreign language deverbative with suffix - аці(я) – inherent deverbative with suffix -нн(я) or -енн(я)”, inherent deverbative with suffix -нн(я) – inherent deverbative with zero suffix”, “inherent deverbative with suffix -нн(я) – inherent deverbative with suffix -тт(я)», “synonymous inherent
deverbatives with suffix -нн(я) or -енн(я)”, “synonymous inherent deverbatives with suffix -нн(я), formed from verbs of different aspects, that have no lexical an semantic peculiarities”, “hybrid synonymous deverbatives (foreign language verbal nouns with inherent suffix -нн(я))”, “hybrid deverbative (foreign language verbal noun with inherent suffix -нн(я)) – inherent deverbative with suffix -енн(я)».