В статье на основе определения когнитивных и семиотических параметров образа выявлены мифолорные черты главного образа-персонажа, описаны нарративные приемы его встроенности в общее семиотическое пространство художественного текста.
The article focuses on revealing cognitive and semiotic parameters of mytholoric-literary image in the novel by American Indian writer Scott Momaday “House made of dawn”. Based on cognitive semiotic and narrative aspects it is given the definition of this new type of images. So, mytholoric-literary image is understood in given article as linguo-cognitive textual construct that, as the result of individual authors’ interpretation, incorporates ethnocultural codes, verbalized in the text by imaginary means peculiar to author’s idiolect and idiostyle. The paper describes narrative technique of inserting mytholoric-literary image into semiotic space of the literary text. Among such techniques there are singled out: prospection, retrospection and retroactivation.